With the first proper rain for two months forecast for tomorrow, I've declared that spring is here.
The black polythene has come off the beds at the allotment, displacing armies of voles / field mice or some other such rodent that had spent the winter under it. Next week will see the serious planting start. I've discovered a great website http://www.growveg.com/ that lets you plan in detail what you want to grow...the last frost date for your postcode, the number of plants per row, the space between rows, what plants complement other plants, etc.
The raised beds in the garden are now springing into action - the first two rows of salad seem to have survived the recent mild frosts and I may risk some more shortly. In the greenhouse three potato bags are under way - I calculate the first new potatoes will be ready in late May or early June. I've just done the first three bags for outside (Rocket for those who are interested in such things - the ones in the greenhouse are respectively Maris Peer, Lady ChristL and Rocket)
I plan to maintain a vegetable growing blog through the summer, regaling you with my triumphs (few) and my disasters (many)!