Back at the turn of the year, we woke up to the news of an arrest in the Jo Yeates murder investigation. What was shocking was the way in which the normal rules of crime reporting were ignored, with the suspect's name being revealed within minutes of the arreat taking place.
That suspect was released without charge, but with his life scarred forever by the experience. Today police have arrested a 32-year old man on suspicion of murder, but what a difference this time around. They seem to have had the impertinence to do it without his name being leaked to Sky News - how very dare they! The Sky reporter has just said - with more than a hint of annoyance - that the police are telling the press nothing other than that an arrest has taken place. Good.
Who knows whether this suspect will eventually be charged, but if he isn't, then he at least has the chance to pick up his life without the world and it's wife knowing that he was once arrested. If he, or anyone else, is eventually charged with Ms Yeates murder then that's time enough for us to be told their name. It might not suit the 24-hour news schedules but it's a welcome return to some sort of decency in reporting standards.
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