I have no time for any brand of superstition, and therefore I tend not to listen to the brand managers when they decide to issue press releases, which is what Rowan Williams latest effort is. Of course, if you spout often enough and long enough then it's inevitable that you'll be right once in a while, and the old duffer is on the money for once when he criticises the Coalition. Don't you just love it when one establishment figure has a pop at another one - Dave v Rowan wrestling it out over three rounds, with Gideon and God as their respective seconds !
Williams is guest editing the New Statesman this week - what on earth were they thinking about when they invited him? Who next, a White Witch or a member of the Flat Earth society?
Come on, be fair. The beard may be a bit druidical; but the man was a professor at Oxford and at Cambridge and has a brain the size of a planet. Having met him and talked with him, I can also tell you that he is a gentle, unassuming, rather shy man who, if anything, is too much of a gent for the rough and tumble of leading the Church of England.
ReplyDeleteBefore you dis him - have you actually read any of his books?
You may not agree with his theology, or any theology, but he is a profoundly thinking person, and you do him a disservice in slighting him like this.