I refer you to http://www.nickclegg.org.uk/education.aspx - a site that might not be up for long so read it while you can. In case they pull the site, here's a quote to ponder upon: "Liberal Democrats are the only party which believes university education should be free and everyone who has the ability should be able to go to university and not be put off by the cost." Run that by me one more time Nick and Vince, and explain away your new stance on the issue. And please, please don't trot out the hoary old chestnut that things are worse than you imagined - they aren't and only a fool will fall for that heap of baloney.
Refuse to back this evil Tory policy and you might, just might regain the trust of the many, many people who voted for you because they couldn't bring themselves to vote for Dave, but bottle it and, in my opinion, you're finished once and for all. There's a generation of voters who will never, ever forgive you. My grandmother never forgave Winston Churchill for sending the troops in to quell the Tonypandy Riots in 1910 (he didn't, but never let the facts stand in the way of a good story!), and she cursed him until her dying day. I think this tuition fees fiasco could linger in the minds of a whole generation who will not be surprised that the Tories could devise such a plan, but will despise the Lib Dems should they support it.
Now's the time, Clegg and Cable, to cr*p or get off the pot!
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